The idea of ​​this analysis is based on information provided by immunology, specifically specialized immunology. Specialized immunology means that when an object enters an alien from the human body, such as the microbe, for example, the body's immune system produces antibodies to the proteins of the UFO, known as antigen. The immune memory of the body; in the sense that if it happens that the same body entered the strange body immune system will recognize him, and called the antibodies allocated to him. For example, if we want to know if a particular person is exposed to a particular microorganism in his life, a sample of this person is taken and its share is in this microbe to be detected, and if it has been previously infected, the antibodies specialized in the sample of that person will be linked If it is not exposed to it, it will not happen.
    - Test of viral hepatitis b(HEPATITIS -B) :
    HBsAg analysis refers to specialized medical analyzes in the detection of viral hepatitis B, and to determine whether the vaccine used for the prevention of hepatitis B virus has succeeded in giving the body the immunity necessary to fight the disease. The analysis is also used in suspected cases of viral hepatitis B, and can be diagnosed in several ways, the most important: serum test; hepatitis B is transmitted through blood vessels, to the liver, and blood tests. Hepatitis B is an infectious liver infection caused by hepatitis B virus. Its symptoms are jaundice; it is the yellowing of the skin and eyes. Paul dark color, fatigue. Abdominal pain. Anorexia. Nausea. diarrhea. Fever. Types of C virus analysis: There are many blood tests that detect infection with C virus, namely:
    *Test antibodies(ANTIBODIIES) :
    The human body produces antibodies that are associated with the birth of the virus in order to eliminate it. The presence of these antibodies can be detected by conducting a blood analysis of the patient. The negative result indicates that the person is not infected with the virus. The positive result is that the person is infected with HIV at one stage of his life , And does not necessarily indicate the virus at present, where the presence of antibodies in the human body even if the body can eliminate the virus.
    This test is performed after antibody analysis. This test is performed to determine if a person has viral hepatitis if the antibody test is positive to confirm the virus. This test reveals the presence of the genetic material of the virus in the body of the infected person, The negative result of the infection of the C virus in the past and recovery from the disease, while the positive result indicates the disease and the presence of the virus in the body at the present time, and in cases where the result of both the antibody test and the test of polymerase interaction This sequence confirms the person's infection with the virus and requires the start of treatment.
    - Test of viral hepatitis c (HEPATITIS -C) :
    Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that affects mainly the liver. Chronic infection may lead to scars on the liver, hepatic failure, liver cancer, or severe swelling of the esophagus and stomach, which can lead to severe bleeding leading to death.  Diagnostic tests for hepatitis C include: antibodies to C and ELISA Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis can detect RNA C virus after a week to two weeks of infection, while antibodies take much longer to form and show Often through liver function tests or during routine screening of those who are most likely to be infected. The examination can not distinguish between acute or chronic infection The hepatitis C test usually begins with blood tests to detect antibodies to HCV using an immunosuppressive enzyme. [If the test result is positive, another test is conducted to confirm the immunological assay and to determine the severity of the condition. A combination immunoassay assay is performed to confirm the immunological assay, and the HCV RNA chain reaction determines the severity of the condition in the absence of RNA. If the immunological staining is positive, it means that the person was previously infected but cured either by treatment or spontaneously; If the immunological staining is negative, this means that the immunological assay is wrong. It takes six to eight weeks after infection before they become the result of positive immune assays. The rate of liver enzymes varies during the first stage of infection; on average, it starts to rise in the seventh week of infection and the relationship between liver enzymes and disease severity is weak.
    - HIV testing(HIV) :
    To check the presence of HIV, a virus that causes AIDS in serum, saliva, and urine. Such tests may monitor antibodies, antibodies, or ribosomes. There are many tests that can be carried out to detect the virus (HIV), which is characterized by great accuracy, and these tests to take a small sample of blood either finger or arm, or a sample of oral fluid, and it should be noted that the length of time needed by Each of these tests to give a precise result varies according to the type of examination, so that the length of time required to give a final result between 20 minutes and a few weeks. When infected with HIV, the virus attacks the immune system cells, destroying or impairing its function. HIV infection can cause progressive damage to the immune system, leading to the occurrence of so-called immune deficiency , Which makes the immune system unable to perform its role in the fight against infection and disease, in fact the term opportunistic infection on the infection associated with severe immunity, as the infection benefit from the weakness of the immune system in this case, and it is called the most advanced stages Of the injured HIV is the term Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
    - Abortion Test :
    This test is required when you suffer from long coagulation time and repeated miscarriage. Examples of these tests:
    * anti cardiolipin tes:
    It is an anti-carotolibin, which is a type of fat and which is involved in the composition of platelets and cell membrane cells. It is naturally occurring very little and the problem is its height because it is an antibody against the body's own structures that means self-immunity means the body attacks itself. The relationship between this analysis and infertility or repeated miscarriage can be one of these possibilities:  The presence of these antibodies can prevent fertilization of the egg and thereby prevent pregnancy.
    - First:
    When antibodies combine with cardiolipin, there may be very small clots. The blood reaches the placenta, causing frequent miscarriages.
    In this test the concentration of antibodies in the serum is examined. The level of these antibodies starts to rise after several days of infection, and then begins to decline after several weeks to months, depending on the cause of inflammation. In order to diagnose a particular disease, antibodies to the specific cause are examined. A high level of IgM can indicate that the person has never been infected with the infection, or that it has been a long time since the infection and that the IgM level has fallen to a low level. In order to distinguish between different cases, two consecutive tests of two to three weeks' duration, and a change in the level of antibody level, indicate that this is a recent injury. In addition, the antibody level (IgG), which remains high for many years after infection, is examined. The presence of IgG antibodies at a level below the IgM level really indicates that the infection occurred in the distant past.
    * anti phospholipid antibody:
    Blood antibodies are examined against phospholipids (fatty that form part of the cell caps). These antibodies are also called anticoagulants. Appear in autoimmune diseases characterized by excessive coagulation, followed by blockage of blood flow in the arteries and veins. Antiphospholipids are an immune disease that occurs when the body attacks its organs and considers them strange.
    - Test thyroid antibodies(ANTI THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY) :
    When there is a defect in thyroid functions. In the test of thyroid glaucoma antibodies, antibodies directed against thyroid gluten protein are checked. This protein is produced in the thyroid gland and generally remains inside the gland and does not come out of it. From this protein are created thyroid hormones. In some thyroid diseases, such as thyroiditis, this protein exits the gland into the blood, making the immune system produce antibodies that attack it. The presence of antibodies to this protein leads to the destruction of protein and reduced hormone thyroid activity.
    - Skin sensitivity test(ANTI-DESMOGLEIN) :
    During skin sensitivity tests, skin is exposed to allergenic substances along with medical history. Sensitivity tests may confirm whether a substance you touch, inhaled or ingested may cause symptoms. This is done to help develop an allergy treatment plan that includes avoiding allergies, medications or injecting allergies (immunotherapy). Skin sensitivity tests are widely used to help diagnose allergic reactions, including: hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema. The most reliable skin sensitivity tests are to diagnose allergies to volatile substances in the air, such as pollen, pet feces and dust mites. Skin test may help diagnose food allergies. Desmoglein is a protein that is encoded in humans by a gene. All over the skin, but mainly expressed in the upper superficial layers of the skin sending comments Record saved forum.
    - Anti-self test(ANTI SS_ANTI SCL70):
    The purpose of the diagnostic test is to distinguish between cases of lupus erythematosus, schogren's syndrome, dermatitis and muscle / multiple muscle inflammation, other connective tissue diseases. Are antigens extracted from the nucleus. They are formed in patients with many connective tissue diseases, including schogren's syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects salivary and lacrimal glands.
    - Simple Herpes Virus Test (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS):
    Individuals screened for herpes simplex infection. Herpes virus antigen testing is designed to measure the level of antibodies to a virus. Herpes virus is, in fact, a generic name for a variety of viruses that cause many diseases, are considered neurotoxic viruses that enter the body and hide in the cells of the nervous system, thus ensuring its continuation in the human body, the simple herpes simplex virus is linked to the spread of herpes lesion in the oral face Known as cold sore, while the herpes simplex virus 2 is associated with genital ulcers. Herpes simplex infection is characterized by the appearance of water-borne blisters on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, lips and external genitalia.
    In this test, antibodies directed against the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase are investigated. This enzyme is produced in the pancreas, and its serum level rises in cases and diseases that are based on autoimmune immunity. Some researchers believe that levels of these antibodies in the blood may help diagnose the disease, monitor the effectiveness of the given treatment and determine the course of the disease and the seriousness of the disease. Some research in recent years shows that the presence of antibodies to carboxylic acid glutamic acid (GAD65) in the blood may predict the emergence of diabetes-dependent diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes) This enzyme is produced in the pancreas, and its serum level rises in cases and diseases that are based on autoimmune immunity.
    - Testing of antibodies to Epstein Barr virus(ANTIEPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS):
    This test is carried out to help diagnose white blood cell disease and assess the extent of infection. Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) is a virus belonging to the Herpes family, which causes infectious mononucleosis. It is characterized by fever, laryngeal pain, spleen and lymph nodes, hepatitis and non-typical blood cells. The transmission of this virus in humans is combined with direct contact with the patient or the virus carrier. It is referred to as a confirmation check when the doctor suspects the existence of EBV, especially in the presence of clinical manifestations of fever, malaise, pharyngitis, lymph nodes (especially the posterior cervix, often called thin glands) and spleen enlargement. IgG antibodies are the smallest antibodies found in all body fluids. It consists of two heavy chains and light chains, and each molecule has two sites bound to the antigen. They are the most abundant immune globulins, comprising about 75-80% of all antibodies in the body. IgG antagonists are important for controlling bacterial and viral infections. IgG antibodies are the only type of antibodies that can cross the placenta, so IgG antibodies for pregnant women can also help protect their baby in the first weeks of life before developing their immune system. IgG antibodies are the largest type of antibody found in the blood and lymphatic fluid, the first type of antibody produced in response to infection. It also causes other cells in the immune system to produce compounds that can destroy invasive cells. IgM antibodies usually form about 5% to 10% of all antibodies in the body.
    - Test antibodies against (DNA) (Anti-Double Stranded DNA):
    Antibodies against DNA are examined. These antibodies are produced in immune diseases. This test is more sensitive and accurate. The result is positive with symptoms suggesting lupus erythematosus. Pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints; rash on the face of the butterfly covering the area of the cheeks and nose bridge wounds in the skin appear.
    -Antimicrobial deposition test (ANTI-CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE):
    This analysis has recently begun to replace RF and D analysis because it is more specialized and sensitive to disease. Anti-CCP is an immunosuppressive antibody produced by the immune system and its presence (positive result) is evidence of RA, or at least evidence that the person is early in the RA and the symptoms will appear clearly at a later stage. Therefore, the result of the analysis is very important in the early detection of RA disease, and then used to follow the development of the case because the concentration of anti-CCP is sensitive to disease R Is a test that helps diagnose rheumatoid arthritis. The diagnosis should also be made according to clinical findings. If there is a positive value in the CCP test and also a positive RF-Rheumatoid factor, there is a high probability that it will be arthritis The analysis of "ACPAs" or "anti-CCP" developed for rheumatoid diagnosis because the analysis of "RF" is not a qualitative or specific analysis of the disease.
    - Oval stock test (ANTI MULLERIAN HORMONE):
    The analysis of AMH is one of the most important fertility tests that doctors rely on and are interested in by many patients worldwide. It is the analysis of ovary stock. This analysis is performed by detecting this hormone in the blood and by knowing the stock in the egg from the ovaries, It is known that as the age of the number of eggs produced by the ovaries less monthly, and the lower the stock of ovaries decrease this hormone in the blood, and vice versa. Doctors use this analysis for women who have delayed procreation for no apparent reason. It is also done for women who intend to carry IVF, as is done for women with polycystic ovaries. This is known for the stock of oocytes in the ovaries and is helpful in helping the next woman to have children At a relatively late age, to see if ovulation is still appropriate. The work of the analysis in diagnosing the problem and determining the appropriate treatment for it. To find out the extent of ovarian response to ovulation stimulants, some ovaries do not respond easily to activation, and in some women occurs so-called hyperactivity, which requires disclosure by this analysis to change the treatment plan, so as not to harm the lady. It is reliable to know the appropriate dose of ovulation tonic that is given to women.
    - The test of «wheat sensitivity» Celiac (ANTIENDOMYSIAL):
    Celeryk is not an allergy to food, it is an immune disease. Treatment of thalacillin gluten can damage the lining of the intestine. It may also affect the body's various organs. Celiac is an immune disease that affects the small intestine as a result of the body's sensitivity to alkaloids. The enzyme that digestes this protein and the antibodies that form against the alkaloids attack the lining of the small intestine, resulting in chronic inflammation and chronic presence of lymphocytes in the intestinal tissue, causing hemorrhoids or follicles. Located in the intestine that absorbs food, resulting in a lack of absorption of many important nutrients. Symptoms vary from person to person. While the symptoms of the digestive system are common in most patients may attend other patients for treatment because of symptoms and other manifestations such as anemia or bone and muscle pain due to osteoporosis
    - Antibody analysis:
    It is known that in the body of a person infected with the thyroid, the immune system by antibodies attack the body when a person takes Gluten. Blood tests look for these antibodies, which will show that the body is sensitive to gluten. Therefore, the person undergoing the analysis should be gluten-free and do not follow a gluten-free diet, because in the absence of gluten there will be no presence of antibodies that are sensitive to gluten, experts suggest that the patient stops the diet for 6 weeks if he wants to do With these analyzes.
    - There are several analyzes of the antibodies that doctors request in the diagnosis of selayk are: :
    Anti-tissue transglutamase antibodies (tTG-IgA) Anti-tissue transglutamase antibodies (tTG-IgG)
    - Test of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (Thyroid Peroxidase Abs):
    In some cases, the immune system in the human body produces antibodies that attack the thyroid cells and affect their secretion of hormones either by increasing or decreasing. The measurement of the level of these antibodies in the body helps to detect certain diseases that affect the thyroid gland such as thyroid disease or diseases Autoimmune. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), an enzyme found in the thyroid gland, plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) test detects the presence of antibodies to the thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in the blood. If your condition is diagnosed as a thyroid disease, as well as other tests related to thyroid gland - to help determine the cause of the disease. Your immune system has antibodies that mistakenly attack normal tissues. Antibodies that attack the thyroid gland cause inflammation and hypothyroidism. Some people with thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies may not develop thyroid disease. However, the presence of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) may increase the risk of future thyroid disorders. If your thyroid performs normally as there are antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO), your doctor may advise you to undergo periodic checkups to monitor any future thyroid problems. sending comments Record saved
    - Test of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (Thyroid Peroxidase Abs):
    ANTI-LIVER-KIDNEY MICROSOMES: A test is required when suspected of contracting the disease. It is an uncommon disease, mainly manifested in women and characterized by active hepatitis, high values ​​of liver enzymes and proteins in the serum. Hepatitis is caused by an excessive reaction of the immune system in the patient's body against his liver cells, against the background of genetic predisposition, but as in other autoimmune diseases, the exact cause of the disease is unknown. It is called chronic hepatitis, a chronic liver disease caused by the patient's immune system attack on liver cells causing chronic inflammation that may turn into cirrhosis. Symptoms of this disease are general fatigue or muscle aches or symptoms of acute hepatitis, such as: high temperature, jaundice and pain in the upper right of the abdomen. Usually, the initial symptoms are not seen in the patients, but the disease is accidentally discovered by analyzing liver function. There is an abnormal appearance of white blood cell antibodies on liver cells either for genetic causes or because of a severe liver infection. SMA, ANA positive, elevated immunoglobulin c. LKM-1 is positive (affects females and children in adolescence, and may be dangerous). Diagnosis depends on the results of the clinical examination and laboratory results, excluding other factors such as diseases caused by viruses, heredity, drugs, metabolic processes or biliary stagnation. There are many antibodies associated with hepatitis, including antinuclear antibody (ANA), anti-smooth muscle antibody (SMA), liver / kidney microsomal antibody (LKM-1), anti-soluble liver antigen (SLA / LP) and Antimicrobial antibody (AMA) and immunoglobulin C are high, but liver tissue screening remains necessary in most cases The Global Hepatitis Autism Team has set specific criteria for the use of clinical and laboratory information in determining whether or not the patient has autoimmune inflammation. Sometimes the diagnosis of this disease interferes with other diseases such as: primary gallbladder cirrhosis, or biliary tract infection .
    - Vitamin D test(25-OH VITAMIN D):
    The body is diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency by conducting a laboratory analysis known as hydroxyvitamin D-25 25OH-D to measure the level of hydroxyvitamin in the blood, and it should be between 20 and 50 ng / ml of the person's healthy blood. Vitamin D deficiency is treated by taking oral pills daily or weekly depending on the amount of deficiency and severity of the condition, and direct exposure to the sun Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body needs to absorb calcium, phosphorus and bone building, where it can be obtained from food, supplements or processed inside the body when exposed to sunlight. In the absence of adequate vitamin D or a deficiency in its absorption from these sources, this leads to deficiency and thus to the occurrence of many health problems, including bone problems. Vitamin D is directly related to the sun, and is not called sunlight. This vitamin is made inside the body in sufficient amounts when exposed to the sun with the help of cholesterol. Therefore, eating this vitamin is not necessary in case of exposure to sunlight. Exposure to the sun on sunny days for 10 to 15 minutes a day, two to three times a week, is enough to get the vitamin D requirement in the majority, but people with dark skin need to be exposed to the sun for longer periods to get their vitamin requirements .
    - Test the proportion of helical bacteria (HELICOBACTER PYLORI):
    H. pylori infection occurs when a bacteria with this name causes infection in the stomach. This usually occurs in childhood. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy may be a common cause of peptic ulcers in more than half the world population. Was diagnosed
    -Infection of this germ through:
    The first examination in the blood is the search for antibodies "antibody" The second examination in the stool is done in the search for the germ directly and is called the search for "antigen" The examination reveals the presence of antibodies to Biliary spongiform bacteria, which are common spread, although no signs or symptoms of the majority of those infected. This is usually recommended for gastritis, chronic abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion, gastric pain, weight loss, bloating, belching and vomiting. This test may be used as a monitoring tool for the effectiveness of the treatment process for the infected bacteriologist and to ensure that the infection is not repeated and the increase in the IgA antibody is an indication of the current infection with the bacteria. Bacterium bacterium is an invasive germ that infiltrates the stomach and settles in the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach. This germ leads to inflammation and destruction in the cells that are present in the mucous membrane of the stomach. These germs are very common, and they appear to infect about 80% of humans.
    - Prostate test (FREE PSA):
    The prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test that is used mainly to examine prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of PSA in the blood. Specific prostate antigen is a protein produced by cancerous and non-cancerous cells in the prostate. It is called the Prostate Prostate Test. It is the test that detects the concentration of the protein produced by the prostate in a sample of blood, whose increased concentration indicates prostate disorders. The PSA test is a good indicator of the detection of prostate disorders in terms of inflation Prostate cancer, or prostate cancer, by analyzing the proportion of specimens detected, a value that indicates the presence of the disease, and does not confirm its type, as well as the use of the examination in the treatment of prostate cancer, especially in the Cases that do not Prostate cancer is diagnosed, and prostate scans are performed and periodic scans of the PSA ratio are supposed to be zero. A reading greater than zero for PSA is an indication of the existence of prostate cells that have not yet been eradicated, as well as the possibility of cancer spreading and its presence outside prostate sending comments Record saved forum.
    - Antimicrobial testing (ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODIES):
    Antibody antibody testing (ANA) is used as an initial test to help assess autoimmune disorders affecting many tissues and organs throughout the body. Depending on some of the signs and symptoms a person may experience, the ANA test is used together with other tests, where antibodies that target specific substances within the cell nucleus are detected. Antibodies are related to the contents of the cell nucleus. In natural persons, the immune system produces antibodies against foreign proteins (antigens) but not toward human proteins (autoantigens). In certain people, the body produces antibodies to the body's proteins. Antibody detection is used to diagnose autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus, skin stiffness, mixed connective tissue disease, muscle inflammation, muscle and skin inflammation, autoimmune hepatitis, and lupus erythematosus.
    - Food sensitivity test (FOOD PANEL):
    Test food sensitivity by blood. The test idea depends on the measurement of anti-eating antibodies present in the blood. Symptoms In the skin or respiratory system, the symptoms of allergic reactions vary from person to person, and in most cases are characterized by skin rash, fatigue and increased drowsiness. Eating protein, such as boiled eggs, chicken meat or whey, permanently for the purpose of gaining muscle may stimulate hidden food allergies, which can cause inflammation in the colon, affects the food absorption system and leads to an inefficient muscle building process.
    - Respiratory sensitivity test (RESPIRATORY PANEL):
    Fast and reliable results for detecting, distinguishing and quantifying respiratory viruses. The efficiency of the assay is enhanced using automated platforms containing various extraction devices and a real-time serial polymerization reaction device. This assay is the best way to find a viable multi-diagnosis solution, allowing clinicians to tailor specific treatments to each patient. Allergy symptoms vary according to the same sensitivity, from person to person. Allergy symptoms may occur in respiratory airways, in the sinuses and nasal passages, in the skin and in the digestive system. An allergic reaction, in most cases, is a source of discomfort and distress but mild allergic symptoms. Increased activity in the case of acute sensitivity may be more serious, as it may affect many organs and organs in the body. In the most severe cases of allergies, allergic reactions may trigger a reaction that may cause death. A response to severe sensitivity to hypersensitivity to proteins or other substances that lead to severe disturbances in the respiratory and circulatory systems / vasculature). sending comments Record saved forum
    Is the test of syphilis detection, or what is known as the test or examination of the anti-syphilis, by measuring the so-called antibodies, a type of proteins that defend the body against attacks by viruses or bacteria produced from the immune system when exposed to the body Of the bacteria causing the disease, which is called pale spores bacteria. This analysis is performed by pulling a blood sample through the vein in the arm or sample of the spinal fluid As a result of exposure to the bacteria that cause it, which reach the human through sexual intercourse, as the disease begins with the emergence of ulcers known as flu ulcers in the area from which the bacteria entered the body, this ulcer appears after about three weeks of the moment of exposure to this bacteria, By contact with the skin or mucous membrane of these sores, it is worth noting that syphilis may be very serious and may kill the casualty if left untreated, moving from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.
    - Titby syndrome screening test (ATOPY SCREEN):
    The screening test (or screening) is a generic name for a wide variety of tests, which are conducted for early detection of diseases and when the patient is in excellent health. This test uses the principle of anti-dandruff test (RAST), which has been applied to the examination of serums. An allergic person usually appears with one or more of the following: eczema (allergic dermatitis), allergic rhinitis (hay fever), or allergic asthma. br /> Atopic dermatitis can be fatal for those with serious allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, caused by reactions to food or the environment. Cytotoxic responses appear after the body has been exposed to various allergens, for example pollen, , Dust, certain foods, or chemical / physical irritants. Although atopy has different definitions, in general, it is defined by high levels of IgE and serum allergens, resulting in positive skin prick tests for common allergens. Shows AtopyTo show a strong genetic element.
    - Internal factor testing (INTRINSIC FACTOR) :
    Is to verify that the body absorbs vitamin B12 properly, or to detect if there has been damage to the absorption process. B12 (Cobalamin) is a vital vitamin in the work of the body's cells, especially red blood cells and nerve cells.
    In order to check the cause of unexplained anemia, after low levels of vitamin B12 have been found in the blood. It is sometimes known as an internal gastrointestinal agent, a glycoprotein produced by cells in the stomach.
    It is a very necessary and important factor to absorb vitamin B12 in the intestines. When entering the stomach vitamin B12 is linked to a compound called haptocorin (factor R), which is also a glycoprotein.
    The vessel enters this image into the twelve, which contains pancreatic enzymes that digest the haptocurine.
    When intestinal pH is low, vitamin B12 binds to the internal factor. This compound travels through the intestine until it reaches the ileum region, where there are epithelial cells assigned to absorb this compound. After the compound is absorbed into the body of the intestine ends the task of the internal factor.
    He continues his journey inside the body with another transporter protein called transcobalomine II. sending comments Record saved forum